Research within UU Experimental Psychology (EP) focusses on two major topics: Perception and Social & Affective Neuroscience. The two themes have an obvious and straightforward relation to perspectives that are highly relevant to either Utrecht University (strategical themes, focus areas), UMC Utrecht, the UU department of Psychology (the research unit with respect to research evaluation), and the Helmholtz Research School.
In sum, based on its two major research themes Perception and Social & Affective Neuroscience, with strong explicit reference to perspectives of Neuropsychology, (Dynamics of) Youth, Behavioral Regulation, and Institutions, EP research fits seamlessly in the major ambitions of Utrecht University as a whole, as well as the department of Psychology (and therefore the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Science). It is EPs aim to maintain this status for the next 5 to 10 years at least, and to define an employment policy accordingly.