Black Lives Matter @UU: Creating Change
We have been deeply wracked by the injustice caused by racism, which has been made so prominent by the unjust murder of George Floyd in the U.S. and by the global Black Lives Matter movement. How do we reckon with this at Utrecht University?
Utrecht University is organising a series of events to facilitate an open discussion with the Black Lives Movement as inspiration.
The mission of Utrecht University is "We are working towards a better world". Those are not only words meant for the world outside. They also concern us - as an organisation and as an employer. The university strives to be a place where everyone feels welcome and safe.
Becoming an inclusive university takes effort. It requires that we actively adapt policies and create space for open debate. For example, about the role the university plays in our current racialised system, or about the implications of an inclusive university - for our research agenda, our curriculum and our HR policy, and what it implies to our behaviour, as individuals. To explore these questions, we are organising a series of events. We hope to hear from the speakers and the public what they see as possible answers. Together we can create positive change.
Previous events
BLM #1 'Why Black Lives Matter in Europe'
With Professor of Sociology and writer Gary Younge and writer and artist Quinsy Gario.
BLM #2 'The role of higher education'
With Stephen Small, Professor of African Diaspora Studies, Dr. Brianne McGonigle Leyh, Associate Professor, specialized in human rights law and global justice and writer and artist Quinsy Gario. Watch the recorded session.
BLM @UBD#1 'Discrimination affects us all'
The opening lecture of the series: BLM @UBD: Discrimination affects us all with UCU students Vicky Pinheiro Keulers and Morgan Diakité on the history of racism and micro-aggression in the workplace. Watch the recorded session.
BLM #3 'Racism Matters. Towards a more diverse and inclusive educational environment at UU',
With students talking about their experiences with racism and discrimination at university. Read more.