Make a bequest

If you would like to support the Utrecht University Fund, you might like to consider making a bequest. By including Utrecht University Fund in your will, you will contribute to the University's future. With your bequest, new generations of students and researchers will be able to develop at Utrecht University and in turn make a valuable contribution to society.

What is important in life?

Who are your loved ones, what are your ideals? Often, as people get a bit older, they look back on life and these kinds of questions come to mind. Do you recognise it? Perhaps you sometimes think back to your time studying at Utrecht University, to what those years brought you. Knowledge, wisdom, life experience? The start of a career, friends for life? They are years full of experiences and memories. Years that make a difference in and to people's lives.

We get questions about bequests every year. Questions about all kinds of things. Talking about giving after you die is not an everyday occurrence, which is why we make time for personal contact.

As ever, the UU is working hard to continue making a difference. New generations of UU staff are working towards a better future. Whether it's medical research or solutions to restore biodiversity. It's important research. And that's why the Utrecht University Fund helps education and research and supports students and student life. Here, the contributions of our donors are indispensable.

Help and make a lasting difference

Do you care about the UU and do you ever think about making a bequest to science, what purpose would you like for your gift? What is important to you?

What happens with your contribution?

If you care for science and scientific education and for that reason bequeath to the Utrecht University Fund, what happens to your contribution? Several options are possible:

You can to a large extent decide for yourself which interpretation you want to give to these (combination of) goals. In a personal meeting, we will be happy to work with you to find out how the wishes for your legacy can best be realised.

Tax related aspects

The Utrecht University Fund Foundation has Public Benefit Organisation (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI) status according to the Tax and Customs Administration. This means that no inheritance tax is payable on your bequest and it can be used fully for the cause of your choice.