Generous for generations

Stay connected to Utrecht for life.

Positive Impact

As we witness fundamental changes in the world over the coming years, the roles of science, research, and education are evolving. Whereas within the university the emphasis used to be on 'transferring knowledge', it is now about 'learning to deal with knowledge together'. Learning now extends beyond obtaining an initial degree. Utrecht University has been committed to Education for Professionals and Open Science for several years: fostering science that strives for a positive impact on society. We mold students into lifelong learners who can actively shape tomorrow's society—not just during their student years, but long after. Not as individuals, but as a collective.

The more than 220,000 alumni of Utrecht University will always be part of the university community. They support students and each other throughout their careers. They engage in professional education, contribute to education and student life, and collaborate or donate to academic research. This lifelong connection enables new generations of students to build extensive networks. Stay connected to Utrecht for life. That’s what we mean by Generous for Generations!

That’s what we mean by Generous for Generations!

Involvement of all generations

An important link in that connection of generations is the Utrecht University Fund, which was founded in 1886 by alumni of Utrecht University with the aim of strengthening the bond between alumni and bringing generations together to make a difference together for a better future. Through the fund, alumni contribute to equal opportunities for everyone who wish to study at Utrecht University, support a rich and vibrant student life, and back special research projects. The Utrecht University Fund enables students to explore the world and bring the world to the university.

As an alumnus of Utrecht University, you are empowered to exchange knowledge, critically engage with your network, and inspire and mobilize others to set shared goals and drive systemic change. Thus, as an alumnus you will have increasing opportunities to contribute to a learning society. The Utrecht University Fund is a fund 'for and by' alumni. We seek growing involvement from alumni of all generations, aiming to connect them to contribute to a better world through Utrecht University. By contributing to the Utrecht University Fund, you join a unique network of alumni who continue to share experiences and insights across generations throughout their professional lives. That's what we mean by Generous for Generations!

Annemiek Vermeulen

Annemiek Vermeulen
Director of the Utrecht University