For visitors

Travel to De Uithof

You can take bus 28 or 12 from Utrecht Central Station.


Maps showing the location of university buildings and information on how to use them to find our Department’s buildings can be found here.

Arrival by airplane

There is a direct train connection between the airport and Utrecht Central Station. It takes about 30-45 minutes to travel to Utrecht. 

Train tickets are available from the yellow ticket machines near the platforms at Schiphol or from the ticket offices, close to the red/white-checked cube at Schiphol Plaza. There is a direct train to Utrecht every 15 minutes.

You will soon notice that almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English fairly well. For journey advice and time tables you can also check: NS (the Dutch railway company).

From Utrecht Central Station you can either take a bus (28) or a taxi.

The OV-chipcard is a smart card and the new means of payment for the public transport system.