This book, edited by Thijs Weststeijn, among others, foregrounds women as creators, patrons, buyers, and agents of change in the arts of the Low Countries.
In Menacing Tides: Security, Piracy and Empire in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean, Erik de Lange highlights security within international relations.
This volume brings together eight essays by eminent scholars, each reflecting on the phenomenon of erasure and the various methodologies used in its investigation.
Laura Almagor has written the chapter ‘Jewish Territorialism and 'Other Zions'’ in the Routledge Handbook on Zionism which will be published this month.
Citizenship Discourses in the Early Middle Ages has a new book published, an interdisciplinary study of medieval thinking about the city in text, image, and material culture.
In her new book, Liliane Stadler examines Switzerland's role in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992 and why and how this role changed in this period.
The graphic novel, a public engagement activity, aims to tell the complex history of peace-making in the inter-war era in a fun but still thought-provoking manner.
Seeking the roots of persistent poverty, Maanik Nath finds that the pervasive high cost and shortage of capital affected the peasant’s ability to invest in land.
Climate change means that we have to deal with history in new ways, Professor Thijs Weststeijn argues in his new book The Future of the Past: Heritage and Climate.
Ozan Ozavci and Jonathan Conlin (University of Southampton) have recently published their new book about Treaty of Lausanne and the post-Ottoman world.
This publication, written by Iva Vukušić, is the first to offer a comprehensive analysis of Serbian paramilitary units during the violent breakup of Yugoslavia.
Jip van Dort, Lauren Gould and Marrit Woudwijk investigated the Dutch attack on Hawija and have compiled their findings in the new publication ‘Hawija’.
A new book on scientific conservation is being published by Professor of the History of Art, Science and Technology Sven Dupré and researcher Jenny Boulboullé.