In chemistry, we make and discover things nobody's made or discovered before. We use our skills to manage cool reactions to seek answers to today's great challenges in sustainability, nanomaterials, and molecular life sciences. Both in education and in research, we are driven to understand and advance the molecular processes behind sustainable materials or new drugging strategies. Our research and education form an integrated whole and all our researchers are involved in teaching alongside their research programs and commitments. Vice versa, all our students are involved in cutting-edge research right from the very beginning.

Our department offers personal and laboratory-driven teaching in the interdisciplinary bachelor programmes Chemistry (Dutch) and Molecular and Biophysical Life Sciences (English), and international master programs such as Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences and Nanomaterials Science. In September 2024 the new MSc Sustainable and Circular Chemistry will start.

Our research is grouped in three interdisciplinary institutes with state-of-the-art equipped laboratories: the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science (nanomaterials) the Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research (molecular life sciences) and the Institute of Sustainable and Circular Chemistry (sustainability).


H.R. Kruytgebouw, room Oost 106
+31 (0)30 253 1602

Zeila working in a laboratory while speaking with a colleague

Curious about what it's like to work at the Faculty of Science? Get a glimpse into our work culture through the personal perspectives of Zeila Zanolli, Associate Professor Chemistry.

Read about the experiences of Zeila Zanolli
Vacancies Faculty of Science


Bachelor's programmes

Master's programmes