Education Advisory Committee

The Education Advisory Committee monitors the quality of teaching in the Biology programme, advising the Programme Management on the development and implementation of education policy. The members of the Education Advisory Committee regularly participate in development teams involved in the renewal of specific parts of the programme. 

Members of the Education Advisory Committee 2023-2024

Chair: Ron Habets (lecturer)
Vice-chair: Thomas Veenhof (biology student) 

Staff members

  • Rutger Hermsen
  • Diederik Keuskamp
  • Jonas Lembrechts
  • Boris Tefsen
  • Lena Will

Student members

  • Sandrijn Poiesz
  • Sophie van der Meer
  • Milo van der Meer
  • Lucas van Vugt
  • Myrthe Homan

Advisory members

  • Thomas Veenhof (student member of the board)
  • Carmen Jansen (study advisor)
  • Barber van Manen (study advisor)


Members Educational Committee Undergraduate School

  • Lecturer: Ron Habets
  • Student: Thomas Veenhof