Departmental Advisory Committee

The Departmental Advisory Committee is the advisory organ of the Department. Any changes that the Board of the Department wishes to introduce must first be presented to the committee, which then gives its recommendations regarding these proposals.

The agreement of the committee is required for certain policy matters and documents before they become valid. The committee also advises the Board of the Department (requested or not) on current issues.

The committee is made up of four student members and four staff members.


Suzan Ruijtenberg

Staff members:

Harold MacGillavry
Jorg Massen  
Laura Dijkhuizen

Student members:

Levi Stinis
Puck Engelbarts
Tessa van Schaik
Ruben Schumacher
Karl Strube

Staff member on the Board of the Faculty of Science: Suzan Ruijtenberg
Student members on the Board of the Faculty of Science: Levi Stinis, Karl Strube