Powerpoint / Keynote
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Four principles for making a good presentation
Giving a good presentation is an art. And not everyone feels equally comfortable in the role of presenter. As a result, they hide behind their presentation.
That's a pity because the viewer doesn't listen to the story anymore but only looks at the slides that pass by. To help you make a good presentation there are 4 principles you can follow.
The powerpoint template
There is a PowerPoint template with the right house-style elements (fonts, colour scheme, logo) for an image befitting Utrecht University.
The design is minimalistic on purpose: we primarily want to enable you to tell your story as best as you can. Are you looking for tips on how to give a good presentation? If you are, please watch the video featured below. Below the Download section, you can find more help and tips.
How does the UU PowerPoint template work?
We offer multiple versions of the template:
One with the UU logo on each page ('logofied') and one with the UU logo only on the title slide. We recommend the first version for presentations outside the university and the second version for internal presentations. Both versions are available in both English and Dutch and with and without footer (presentation title, date, page number).

The Keynote template
For employees with an Apple computer, you can also download templates for Keynote. These work almost the same as the powerpoint templates. It is possible that the fonts used still need to be installed. The template tells you how to do this.
Faculty-specific templates
We are working on one strong brand: Utrecht University. In order to better synchronise our communication, the faculty-specific templates have been discontinued.
PowerPoint templates for education presentations
For the Open Days and the Master's-programme evening, specific PowerPoint templates can be requested from the Marketing Team of Communications & Marketing.
Corporate presentation
There is also a ready-made presentation with corporate informatie.