
The Copyright Information Office offers workshops for teachers that they can follow themselves, and workshops that they can request for their students. There is a lot of room for customization, please contact us for more information via

Workshop Copyright in Education (for lecturers)

As a lecturer, you have to deal with copyright when you use other people's material in your teaching. It is therefore essential to know what you can and cannot do with this material in your teaching. In this workshop you will learn the most important things you need to know as a lecturer about copyright.

During the workshop we will go through:

  • Under what conditions you may use other people's work.
  • The need to cite the source, also for images in presentations.
  • How to make sources available in the Learning Management System, e.g. via a DOI hyperlink or upload within the conditions of the Easy Access agreement.

There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and your own input. When you participate, please let us know what specific topics you would like to see addressed. 

The workshop is given all year round on request and lasts about 45 minutes. Interest? Feel free to email us at:

Workshop Copyright for students

Students have to deal with copyright when using sources for an assignment or publishing their own thesis, for example. In this workshop, students learn about copyright, Creative Commons licenses and the conditions under which you can use someone else's work in your own work on the basis of realistic cases.

In short, the students learn everything about the use of sources in their own work in an interactive way without infringing on someone else's copyright.

The workshop can be requested throughout the year within any field at all levels. Preferably a maximum of 60 students in a workgroup room with tables. The workshop lasts a maximum of 2 hours.

Lecturers can request the workshop by emailing

Tailor-made workshops

Are you an employee of the UU and do you have specific questions about copyright and would you like to have them answered for your department or a group of colleagues? We can offer a tailor-made workshop based on your questions. Contact us at: