Lena Wagner

Last year I decided to join the course  ‘Doing community-based research in the humanities: Knowledge for Society’ because I was looking for an elective where I could receive academic and practical support to write my bachelor thesis. My bachelor thesis and CBR project were about the impact of seniors’ safety perceptions from accidents, crime and infectious diseases on their daily travel behaviour. I conducted qualitative research in two neighbourhoods in Rotterdam, together with “De Verkeersonderneming” (public-private mobility cooperation) in Rotterdam.

Lena Wagner

The collaboration with the “De Verkeersonderneming” was extremely valuable for my research but also for my own personal growth. I had the opportunity to use their previously collected quantitative results as a starting point for my own research and in return my findings contributed towards a larger research project from “De Verkeersonderneming”. The experience of working with a societal organization was enriching and challenging because I was confronted with their wishes and with the academic requirements of writing a bachelor’s thesis. However, I managed to overcome this challenge with the support of the CBR course.

Throughout my project I received guidance from the academic staff by learning practical research and communication skills. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to do qualitative research and collaborate with a societal organization.

The CBR course did not feel like additional and unnecessary work to me because it helped me conduct qualitative and meaningful research for my bachelor thesis. Furthermore, the CBR course offered me a chance to apply my theoretical understanding and skills into practice. In addition, it provided me with knowledge and skills that I am currently using in my internship at an urban design studio in Rotterdam. Finally, the experience revealed my passion to work together with social organisations and with the local community.