
Alliance of Working Class Academics

The Alliance of Working Class Academics is an international collective of working class academics. 

The AWCA aims to help academic colleagues overcome class-based barriers throughout their careers. 

Alliance of Working Class Academics

The African and Caribbean Heritage Network

The African and Caribbean Heritage Network (ACHN) is a UU student-led diversity network centred in Utrecht. 

The ACHN celebrates African&Caribbean heritage by means of social and educational activities. It is a thriving community open to all students of African and Caribbean descent and for those interested in learning about African and Caribbean culture.

The African and Caribbean Heritage Network

First-Generation Fund

The First-Generation Fund is a Utrecht University fund for first-gen students initiated by  Charisma Hehakaya.

The fund aims to support first-generation students by giving them small grants, by inspiring them and by letting them talk to current and former first-generation-students. 

First-Generation Fund


Opmaat is Utrecht University's buddy program designed for (future) students of the Faculty of Social Sciences who are one of the first in their family to (enter) higher education.

Opmaat is a student coaching program of Utrecht University that is there to ease the transition to the university and contribute to the feeling of belonging of first year students. 

(currently the website is only available in Dutch)

Opmaat UU