Living lab: Healthy Heidelberglaan

The Heidelberglaan is the face of Utrecht Science Park: it is the place where many students, staff and visitors enter the Science Park, walk and gather. At the same time, it is the most paved part of the campus, resulting in high levels of heat stress and anticipated water drainage issues.

In the upcoming years the Heidelberglaan will be redeveloped. As Utrecht Science Park hosts renowned organisations working on healthy urban living, the university wants to use their knowledge to transform the Heidelberglaan into a healthy, welcoming and attractive place.

In this living lab we monitor air quality and user experience, and we test solutions for local climate adaptation. With this information, the university can make an informed and sustainable design for the area's redevelopment. The Centre for Living Labs supports the team tasked with redevelopment to approach this initiative as a living lab, continuously supporting students and research projects within this scope.

Currently, the following projects are happening within this living lab: 

Currently, other possible aspects to monitor and experiment on are being explored, such as wind, noise and user experience.

A close-up of one of the sensors in the Heidelberglaan.

Engaging students 

In addition to monitoring health aspects, we challenge students to come up with ideas to improve the Heidelberglaan in the short term.

Knowledge about healthy urban living is readily available around Heidelberglaan, specifically in the minds of researchers and students on campus. This living lab is an excellent opportunity to combine and implement their knowledge and ideas to improve our own campus.

Stephan Troost, project leader campus development

This living lab is a collaboration between the Province of Utrecht, HU, RIVM, the Data and Knowledge Hub Healthy Urban Living, IRAS, and WeCity.  

More information?

Contact Centre for Living Labs via Would you like to contribute? Get in touch with Stephan Troost.