Minicourse: Introduction in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Which elements stimulate entrepreneurship in a city, region or country? By mapping out the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, it becomes clear how relevant factors and actors influence each other – enabling or constraining entrepreneurship. How can you use these insights to improve the local or regional economy?

Professor Erik Stam explains all about the playing field for entrepreneurs and enterprises in the free minicourse Introduction in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Open yourself up to a different angle on economic policy in 10 short videos:

1. What are Entrepreneurial Ecosystems?


2. What effects do measures to stimulate entrepreneurship have on the ecosystem as a whole?

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Framework

3. How do you make effective policies for your regional ecosystem?

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Policy Cycle

4. Why is the Dutch Startup Ecosystem a success?

The Success of the Dutch Startup Ecosystem

5. In the Netherlands, we have a lot of startups. But where are our scale-ups?

The Dutch Entrepreneurship Paradox

6. Knowledge is often a weak element in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Why is that, and what can we do about it?

Knowledge in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

7. How can we stimulate the kind of leadership needed for a healthy regional ecosystem?

Leadership in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

8. How do we develop a well-functioning capital market for entrepreneurial firms?

Finance in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

9. What role do institutions play in enabling and constraining entrepreneurship?

The role of institutions in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

10. In which ways does entrepreneurship serve (or does not serve) well-being in society?

Well-being in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Mini-documentary: Brainport Eindhoven Region (8 minutes)

Brainport Eindhoven Region

Masterclass Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

For professionals, Utrecht University offers a (Dutch spoken) masterclass Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, specially tailored to regional leaders and catalysts in both the public and the private sector.

More information (in Dutch)