Housing Utrecht Science Park


Cambridgelaan 311-910 (1002 rooms)
E-mail woonbestuur.cambridgelaan@gmail.com
Website Cambridgelaan

Casa Confetti

Leuvenplein 10-322 (377 kamers)
Twitter: @CasaConfetti
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CasaConfetti
Website Case Confetti

De Bisschoppen

Cambridgelaan, Salamancapad and Heidelberglaan (552 rooms)

SSH (letter)

Tel. +31 88 730 4200
E-mail: info@sshxl.nl
Website SSH
Opening hours:
Monday / Thursday: 8:30 to 17:00
Friday: 8:30 to 12:30

Short Stay

Part of the housing facilities at Utrecht Science Park, such as the south tower of the Bishops, is fully furnished and equipped for short stay.
Website SSH Short Stay

Do you live at Utrecht Science Park? You can find more information on this page.

Report an issue

Would you like to report things in UU buildings as a non-UU student?

Send an email to FSC.Topdesk@uu.nl or call +31 30 253 95 95.

Emergency or fire on campus?

Call the emergency room on +31 30 253 44 44.

Want to make a report to the control room without urgency, for example about parking management or (serious) disruptions on campus?

Call +31 30 253 13 00.