Outreach Ambassador

Sharing personal stories and experiences of Utrecht University attracts new talent to Utrecht. Outreach Ambassadors help spread the word about the quality of education and research at UU, as well as the enjoyment of living in Utrecht. They do this by helping to represent the university at education fairs, presentations and school or university visits.


Outreach Ambassadors:

  • share their own UU experiences with the goal to attract students to the university
  • help represent UU at education fairs, school or university visits in your country or area
  • give presentations or participate in subsequent Q&A sessions about student life in Utrecht

Are you interested in becoming an Outreach Ambassador?

Please send an email to alumni@uu.nl with the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Why you would like to be an Outreach Ambassador?
  • Location
  • Subject of UU study and graduation year
  • Hours per month you're available for volunteering
  • Additional questions or comments