Read & listen

Many books and podcasts are produced or presented by researchers connected to Utrecht University. In this section we will keep you informed about books and podcasts created by alumni of Utrecht University.

Wij zijn Europa

Een blauwe boekcover met daarop een rode hart en groene bladeren
Reinier van Lanschot, Bot Uitgevers, € 19,99

Reinier van Lanschot (MEP for Volt) takes readers on a journey through Europe, creating historical frameworks and using fascinating anecdotes to tell the true story behind European Cooperation.

Kunnen eier­stokken echt rammelen?

zalmroze boekcover met zwarte tekst
Mieke Kerkhof, Fontaine Uitgevers, € 20,99

More than 80 questions you’re afraid to ask your gynaecologist (but would like the answers to). Mieke Kerkhof, herself a gynaecologist, candidly and humorously discusses everyday and not so everyday subjects that come up in her consulting room.

Uit Koers 2

tekening van twee fietsers
Frank Heinen, Uitgeverij Das Mag, € 27,50

Ten years ago, the successful book Uit Koers 1 was published, in which Frank Heinen rescued extraordinary cyclists from oblivion. He does the same in this long-awaited second volume because cycling has continued as usual in the meantime.

Lied van verzet

Boekcover van een zwart-wit foto van een pianist en een vrouw.
Uitgeverij Boom, € 34,90

The extraordinary life story of two residents of ‘t Hooge Nest: singer and dancer Lin Jaldati and her partner, concert pianist Eberard Rebling.

Nadia’s dag

Cover met de titel en allemaal verschilende mensen erop
Tekst: Henrieke Herber; illustraties Miriam Bouwens, Luitingh-Sijthoff € 17,99

A beautifully-illustrated book to read aloud to toddlers. About Nadia who has all kinds of adventures with her two dads.

De Mieren­karavaan

boekcover met daarop een konijn
Mariken Heitman, uitgeverij Atlas Contact, € 22,99

An enchanting story, written flawlessly by a Libris winner, about the interconnection between every living thing.

De Universiteit van Nederland Podcast

logo universiteit van Nederland

The best scientists, from Utrecht University and beyond, spend 15 minutes answering controversial questions. For example: why you don’t reach adulthood until about the age of 40? What makes someone commit a war crime? How dangerous is turbulence? And much more. Available at the University of the Netherlands.

Alles voor de wetenschap

logo podcast alles voor de wetenschap

They did pioneering scientific work but never got the recognition they deserved. This new podcast by Elja Looijestijn puts brilliant female scientists in the spotlight.

Share your publication

If you have published a book or launched a podcast and think Illuster readers might enjoy it, let us know. Either send us a copy or drop us an e-mail with more information.
Utrecht University, E-mail: alumni@uu.n, subject line: Illuster Read & Listen column. Submissions will not automatically lead to publication.