Would you like to stay up to date with the latest tool developments? Join the new Teams environment ‘Updates Onderwijstools’
The Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT) provides support to teachers who use online tools within their teaching. Through the new Teams environment ‘Updates Onderwijstools’ we would like to inform teachers and course coordinators about the latest developments for the educational tools in an accessible way.
Tools are resources that can support your teaching. There are, for example, tools available that help make your lessons more interactive, organise (peer) feedback, or allow students to practice communication skills. The CAT supports teachers in using these tools and finds it important to keep users, including you as a teacher, up to date with the latest developments. For this reason, a new Teams environment ‘Updates Onderwijstools’ has been created.
What does this new environment offer you as a teacher?
Various types of notifications related to the tool may be received, such as updates about the tool itself, (large-scale) changes to a tool, functionalities that are in development (with the possibility of testing beta functionalities), or about workshops that are organised around the tool. By receiving notifications about this, you will never be surprised when using the tool in your education.
What does it look like in practice?
The Teams environment starts as a pilot with the tools FeedbackFruits and Comproved. These tools are used on a large scale by UU teachers, which makes it relevant for a large target group to receive updates about it.
The purpose of the Teams environment is to share updates. It is not possible for members to post messages in the environment. Comments can be placed under posts.
Do you have questions about the messages, the use of tools, or do you need didactic or technical advice? Then ask your question as usual via teachingsupport@uu.nl.
If the pilot is successful, the Teams environment will also be used for other tools. In practice, each tool will have its own channel. You can choose which channels, and therefore which tools, you want to receive updates from.
How do I become a member of the Teams environment?
Are you curious about the Teams environment? Would you like to receive updates about the tools you use in your education? You can join the Teams environment via this link. You can also find the public environment in Teams under the option ‘Join or create team’. You have the option to add yourself to the team via the following code: lzf2ej3