Wetenschnapps XXL 2025: registration is open

Tension or symbiosis: science communication in theory and practice

Are you a researcher in the field of science communication and do you ever wonder: what should I research according to communication professionals? What insights do they need? How do they view my research questions and results? Do I include the perspective or expertise of practitioners enough? 

Or are you a communication professional or communicating researcher and do you sometimes think: is what I do actually evidence-based? How can scientific knowledge improve my practice? 

On Tuesday 21 January we are going to spend a day exchanging knowledge between communication professionals and researchers, going in-depth, exploring what lessons from research mean for practice, and what questions and insights from practice mean for research. 

More info and registration

What are we going to do?

Already known: we will engage with our colleagues from Germany at Wissenschaft im Dialog, we will interview the brand-new NEWS team, and the IMPACTLAB will work on ‘the next step’.

Furthermore, you will get fresh answers in the field of science communication from up-and-coming research talent, you can attend a crash course ‘Find Your Own Answer’, we will learn how exchanges between theory and practice work in other disciplines, we will learn from the participatory research at HBO and from citizen science experts, and you can get to work in a co-creation workshop on the question of how science communication theory gets value for practice - and vice versa.

  • Location: University Hall, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht
  • Language: English
  • This event is open to all employees at Dutch knowledge institutions
  • As always, participation in this Wetenschnapps is free.

About Wetenschnapps

Wetenschnapps XXL is organised by the Centre for Science and Culture and the Science Communication Network of Utrecht University. During the year, smaller sessions are also organised where knowledge exchange on public engagement and science communication forms the basis.