Videos on current themes in open and user innovation research
Does patients‘ innovative behaviour depend on the way they perceive their situation? What are the issues that companies face when they get involved in open-source software? How are user innovators considered in current policy making? These were only some of the questions that were addressed at the 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI) held at Utrecht University in July. To share what the current research themes in this field are and to show how society and business can benefit from the insights gained, a range of videos has been produced during the conference. The OUI Society has recently introduced these videos on their Youtube channel.
Every year the OUI conference brings together about 200 researchers from around the world and various disciplines in order to exchange recent research findings and plans related to new developments in open and user innovation. The conference in Utrecht was organized by researchers from the Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) and from the Innovation Studies Group in the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development and supported by Institutions for Open Societies.
This year’s conference themes also showed the growing influence of digitalization, such as machine learning or 3D printing, and sustainability in the research topics addressed by open and user innovation research.
OUI Society Youtube Channel
To introduce open and user innovation to a wider audience and to share what the current research themes are and how society and business can benefit from the insights gained, a range of short videos highlighting these topics has been prepared. The eight videos are available on the OUI Society Youtube Channel.
In the year 2020 the OUI will be held in Aachen, Germany. Details can be found on the OUI website at
OUI Conference: Past, Present and Future Topics
Contact & Expertise
Do you have any questions regarding the videos? Please contact Brita Schemmann.
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