Update your links to digital collections of the university library, also in your reference tools

The format of links to the library's digital collections are changed. Are there links to the digital publications in your course materials, or do you have links bookmarked in your browser? Please update them before they stop working.

What is changed?

From the 22nd of July links to the digital collections of Utrecht university library have a new URL. The old links will be redirected until the end of 2024. Up till now URLs of library links contained: proxy.library.uu.nl. From the 21st of July they look like this: utrechtuniversity.idm.oclc.org.
The link to Scopus, for instance, will change from:


Information for lecturers

Old links (containing proxy.library.uu.nl) will stop working on 1 January 2025. Make sure you update your bookmarks and links in course materials before that date.

Please follow our guidelines for using links in course materials.

Tip: Install the Lean Library browser extension to get access to the digital collections of the library form anywhere.

Links in reference management programmes

Do you use Endnote or Zotero as reference tools? Do as follows:

  • Endnote: also update the proxylink via Settings. More information about Endnote, see the Libguide on Reference management/Endnote under the tab Installing
  • Zotero: this tool automatically registers the new proxy link. All you have to do is accept.