‘Unspoken Stories’ Exhibition

Photo by Martin Thaulow

Photos tell us stories and can move us. Which images make you take action? Which photos touch you, and which don’t? Social psychologists from the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science at Utrecht University are addressing these questions in a collaborative project with the organization Refugee Today, bridging visual journalism, social science, and solidary action.

‘Unspoken Stories’ is a collection of remarkable portraits of refugees from different parts of the world, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea, or Iran, among others. Through visual journalism, Refugee Today documents in depth the stories of refugees and internally displaced: people fleeing war, conflict, persecution, famine, or climate change.

We are honored to announce that the ‘Unspoken Stories’ Photography Exhibition will be hosted at the Living Lab of the University Library at Utrecht Science Park. Feel free to visit the library to meet refugees through their personal portraits. You will also be invited to make a donation to Incluusion after viewing the exhibition. Incluusion is the refugee program of the UU, and your donation will help make free UU courses for refugee students possible. The team of social scientists will rely on the data gained from the donations at the library to study reactions to different types of original and edited images and stories of refugees from different parts of the world.

Date and Location:

October 11th – November 30th.

Science Park Library.

Living Lab, 1st floor.