Three new Senior Fellows, Centre for Academic Teaching appointed

De nieuwe Senior Fellows (v.l.n.r.): Mariëtte van den Hoven (GW), Karin Rebel (Geo), Gönül Dilaver (GNK)

We are delighted to announce the appointment of three new Senior Fellows by the Executive Board: Gönül Dilaver (Medicine), Mariëtte van den Hoven (Humanities) and Karin Rebel (GeoSciences). Starting on September 1st they will work on a comprehensive innovation of education within their faculty and/or on university level and deepen their educational knowledge during the programme. The systemic approach will contribute to the knowledge of higher education. Successful completion of the programme will culminate in a nomination for a position as full professor with a special emphasis on education. A further introduction of our new Senior Fellows:

Mariette van den Hoven is associate professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and involved with the Research Institute for Philosophy and Religious Studies. With her project she will contribute to scientific ethics in education. She will seek to embed integrity in research in the curricula at Utrecht University and will develop innovative tools that can be implemented in various disciplines and study phases. The committee recommends Mariette because of the way she convinces and inspires others with her passion for the subject. “She has a well-considered plan to develop and implement a comprehensive teaching philosophy on responsible conduct of research (RCR) in the UU-curricula.”

Karin Rebel is associate professor of Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Geosciences and is involved with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. With her project she will contribute to an interuniversity collaboration in education. As opposed to the research domain, within the field of education there are very few interdisciplinary programmes in which universities collaborate. Karin will work on a specific module in collaboration with other universities and develop a vision on the role of blended learning in this. The committee is impressed by her conviction that joint interdisciplinary teaching contributes to better solutions for the grand challenges of today’s society. “Her clear vision on education and her inspiring performance qualifies her to lead changes.”

Gönül Dilaver is associate professor of Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and submitted a proposal to take diversity within the course further, beyond fixing the number of students with a diverse background. She aims to develop tools and strategies to create inclusive education and a diversity-responsive learning climate. The committee recommends Gönül for her shown leadership and innovations in education, her clear vision on education and her motivation to create a diverse and inclusive learning environment for students. “Her enthusiasm is very contagious and will certainly inspire colleagues to join her.”

More about the Senior Fellow Programme

With the Senior Fellow Programme Utrecht University aims to strengthen educational leadership within the Utrecht University by increasing the number of professor with emphasis on education. The programme contributes to the visible appreciation for education and teaching and shows career steps in education are possible. The programme also aims to promote innovation in teaching and learning and to increase the overall quality of education.

The programme is renewed in 2017 and renamed in Senior Fellow Programme (formerly Teaching Fellow Programme). With these three new appointments, 10 Senior Fellows currently  take part in the Programme. Teaching staff can only be nominated by the dean of their faculty. The Executive Board has appointed an international selection committee to advise on the appointments.

More information about the Senior Fellow Programme and the other fellows can be found on the website of the Centre for Academic Teaching. With questions, please contact Mirjam Bok, managing director.