This summer, an international conference on sustainability and law at Utrecht University


Utrecht University hosts the European Environmental Law Forum conference 2019. The theme this year is: Environmental Law for Transitions to Sustainability - Circular economy, climate change, water resource management and sustainable biodiversity. The conference is held in the historicaal city centre of Utrecht from 28 to 30 August 2019

EELF 2019 is organised by the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law of Utrecht University. It does research in the area of water law, oceans law, environmental law, climate law and sustainability law.

Over the last decades, environmental law has significantly contributed to limiting pollution and decoupling economic growth and negative environmental effects. However, for advanced economies in Europe and elsewhere, reconciling high levels of human development (living well) with environmental sustainability (living within environmental limits) is expected to require five-fold or even ten‑fold improvements in environmental performance. 

Programme and registration

As law will always only be one instrument within an interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach for systemic changes, the organisers strongly encourage interdisciplinary contributions. The call for abstracts is open untill 30 June.

Speakers at EELF 2019 are, amongst others:

  • Robin Kundis Craig, James I. Farr Presidential Endowed Professor of Law, Salt Lake City
  • Frank Biermann, Professor of Global Sustainability Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
  • Hugo von Meijenfeldt, Dutch SDG-Coordinator, The Hague
  • Wolfgang Köck and Moritz Reese, Department for Environmental & Planning Law, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research/UFZ Leipzig

For the full programme and registation, please: