Six Community Engaged Learning education projects awarded grants

Helping break the social isolation of Italian migrants in Utrecht, increasing awareness of the consequences of light pollution and remote warfare, and developing knowledge of pain and pain relief: students are working on these and more societal issues together with external partners in six Community Engaged Learning courses that have been awarded grants this winter.
The grant was awarded by the Community Engaged Learning programme, which aims to encourage experiential education in which students, teachers and external partners work together on societal challenges. The program provides seed money for the (further) development of new Community Engaged Learning courses at the university.
Community Engaged Learning integrates societal engagement with academic study and reflection to enrich and enhance the learning experience and contribute to community needs.
Read more about the awarded projects:
Want to know more?
Visit the website, have a look at the inspiration booklet or visit the Onderwijsparade on Thursday, March 4. This year's theme is Connecting Communities. During several sub sessions you can get acquainted with Community Engaged Learning education at Utrecht University.
If you have any questions about Community Engaged Learning, please contact Kim Zunderdorp, programme manager Community Engaged Learning.