Sanne, Jan-Willem, Veronia, Niels and Esbar receive prestigious awards

Awards for Pharmaceutical Sciences students

Sanne van de Looij and Jan-Willem Langenbach started their master programme Drug Innovation in 2020. They were also selected for the honours programme U/Select from the Graduate School Life Sciences.

At the end of her study Sanne was awarded the Unilever research prize 2022 on 24 November for a master thesis, titled “The Extracellular Vesicle Surfaceosome: Pilot studies for determination of CD9 and FN1 function in uptake and intracellular cargo release" supervised by dr. Pieter Vader (UMCU) and an excellent writing assignment, titled “Injectable Hydrogels for Sustained Delivery of Extracellular Vesicles in Cartilage Regeneration” supervised by Tina Vermonden of the Pharmaceutics division of the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Unilever award

And Jan-Willem was awarded the dr. Saal van Zwanenberg onderzoeksprijs (first prize) for his master thesis, titled “'Fighting food allergies: Synthesis of structures co-presenting a T-cell epitope and Siglec ligand to reprogram dendritic cells” supervised by prof.dr. Geert-Jan Boons from the Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery division. Professor emeritus Bert Leufkens was allowed to hand out the prize at the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen on 28 November 2022.

Saal van Zwanenberg award

At the same meeting Veronia Nasralla, bachelor student pharmacy, received from the Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij ter bevordering der Pharmacie an “Aanmoedigingsprijs Farmacie of (bio)farmaceutische wetenschappen” for the best “propedeuse” students. We hope to see more of her in future years.

KNMP award

Earlier this year, Niels Reijnhout, master student Pharmacy, received on 11 October the KNMP student award, for his achievements in this study as well as his second study of Health Economics, Policy and Law at Erasmus University. He was also active in the student society UPSV and in a student led not-for-profit consultancy.

And finally, on December 10, Esbar Hassan, master student Pharmacy, has won the Dutch championship Pharmaceutical consultation in Zeist, made possible by the KNMP. She will now represent the Netherlands at the 2023 IPSF world congress  in Bali.

Photo from the KNPSV website