Relapse anxiety and depression among youngsters researched for the first time

It is estimated that annually, roughly 20,000 youngsters aged 12 to 23 years are treated for anxiety disorders and depressions. No less than 60 % of these youngsters experience a relapse within three years. There has been little to no attention to this relapse in research and treatment. Clinical psychologist Yvonne Stikkelbroek (Utrecht University and GGZ East Brabant) is about to change that. She received a grant from ZonMw to research relapse prevention of anxiety and depression among youngsters with colleagues for the next seven years.

Stikkelbroek notices that the project, named STAY-FINE: a personalized monitoring and intervention app to prevent relapse of anxiety and mood disorders in youth and young adults, is unique and innovative: “Unique because relapse prevention among youngsters has barely been researched, including internationally. And innovative because we won't just work with experience experts, but with an app as well.”

Monitoring and treating

With the app, the researchers are going to monitor the participating youngsters. “For instance, we want them to tell us via the app how they feel at that moment, what they are doing and whether or not they slept well last night.” Besides monitoring, the researchers also offer treatment via the app. “Of course, we won't leave the participating youngsters to their own devices. There will be a chat group in which experience experts can provide tips and exercises to, for instance, think more positively.”

Stikkelbroek filed the application for the ZonMw grant from GGZ East Brabant, together with colleagues Maaike Nauta (University of Groningen) and Claudi Bockting (Academic Medical Center). The researchers will also work closely with Minddistrict, RINO South and Accare in the execution of the STAY-FINE project.

For more information
Press Office Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, phone number +31-30-253 4027, r.a.b.vanveen@uu.n