Publication on Career Crafting Training Programme with 154 physicians

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A training programme on career crafting helps professionals in a demanding environment, such as a hospital, to do something about career development themselves more often. Researchers from Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam write this in the academic journal Frontiers in Psychology. In collaboration with UMC Utrecht, they conducted a career development trial with 154 doctors.

This intervention study examined the effects of a career crafting training on physicians' perceptions of their job crafting behaviors, career self-management, and employability. 
Participating scholars were: Maggie van den Heuvel, Eva Knies, professor Strategic Human Resource Management and a key figure in the Future of Work hub of Utrecht University, Toon Taris, professor of Social, Health and Organizational Psychology at Utrecht University.  And from UMC Utrecht:  Liesbeth van Rensen en Jan-Willem Lammers.

Staying afloat in a high pressure environment

PhD researcher Evelien van Leeuwen writes : "A proactive attitude is essential to maintain yourself in a demanding work environment and dynamic labour market. In light of this, we developed a training programme 'Directing your (career) job', followed by 154 doctors. The physicians actively started shaping their work (job crafting) and career (career crafting) after following this training. This is apparent from the results of a pre- and post-measurement of our randomized intervention study."

Van Leeuwen studies the careers and employability of physicians. She examines the effectivity of several randomized controlled interventions aimed at enhancing the employability of physicians

The whole article is available online in Frontiers in Psychology and is entitled: A Career Crafting Training Program: Results of an Intervention Study.