Praise for Utrecht Master Gender Studies
On the occasion of International Women’s day (8 March), the GEMMA Master has been included among the ten Erasmus+ projects that have contributed the most to gender equity and empowerment of women. The master Gender Studies from Utrecht University participates in the GEMMA programme.
The Erasmus programme has become a cornerstone of equal opportunity, with many of its projects directly invested in building a society that celebrates gender equality. On Women’s day they highlighted some Erasmus+ projects, including the GEMMA Master, that are empowering women to lead the way.
GEMMA is a joint interdisciplinary programme that provides high quality academic education and professional competencies for personnel working or intending to work in the areas of Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities across Europe and beyond. GEMMA is unique in the way it brings together approaches to feminism from all cardinal points in Europe. Created as a result of the concerted efforts of several universities working together, the GEMMA Consortium represents the harmonization of eight different institutions from six European countries:
- University of Granada
- University of Bologna
- Central European University (Budapest)
- University of Hull
- University of York
- University of Lódź
- University of Oviedo
- University of Utrecht
GEMMA is thus the fine tuning of North European, South European and Central European higher education institutions where Women’s and Gender studies is one of the main elements of their postgraduate offer.