Nominate your Diversity & Inclusion heroes NOW!
Will YOU help us discover the real hero(es) who are creating a more inclusive university? Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of Utrecht University, and we know that some of you are making exceptional contributions to creating an inclusive, welcoming environment, where students, staff and visitors feel at home. So let's celebrate those gamechangers! Whether they are working to break stereotypes or create a safe environment, you can now nominate your friend(s), colleague(s), classmate(s), faculty, or an amazing group that at UU, that is changing the world.
See the eligibility requirements here. Submit your nomination before the 16th of February, 2024, and mark the 26th of March, 2024 in your calendar. That's when the D&I Award will be presented. Beyond the recognition and applause, nominees have the chance to be celebrated for their impactful work. PLUS, the winner get a prize of €2,500 to further promote diversity at Utrecht University.