Nikolas Giannopoulos presents his research at TRAMEREN conference

Sustainableocean research project

On the upcoming Transatlantic Maritime Emissions Research Network (TRAMEREN) conference, SUSTAINABLEOCEAN researcher Nikolas Giannopoulos will present a paper, called ‘Global environmental regulation of offshore energy production: Searching for legal standards in Ocean Governance?’

Nikolas will be presenting his paper on Day 2 of the conference in the 6th session entitled ‘Energy and the Ocean’, discussing the implications of various normative interactions on the standard of due diligence that States need to be apply in the regulation of offshore energy production activities. In view of the theme of the Conference, the paper focuses on the contribution of norms and standards developed by a variety of non-State actors, who are actively involved in the offshore energy industry.

The TRAMEREN Conference is in Copenhagen, it is the Second International Conference of theTransatlantic Maritime Emissions Research Network (TRAMEREN) on Frontiers in Ocean Environmental Governance: Private Actors, Public Goods.

For more information and the full programme of the conference, please visit the Trameren Conference Website.