New intake leads to stable international mix of students

Banieren van de Univeristeit Utrecht

The number of new students at Utrecht University increases slightly this academic year. This is shown by the preliminary enrolment numbers* which were published today. The intake of students in the Bachelor's phase goes up by 3 %; the intake of Master's students by 4 %. The intake of international students stabilises (+ 0 %), matching the trend in the national enrolment numbers.

In the slight increases in the Bachelor's and Master’s phases, there appear to be students who were waiting for the return of study grants (in Dutch: studiefinanciering). Although the intake of the number of new international students this year is the same as last year (+ 0 %), there is an increase of the total number of registered international students (+ 7 %). This is because the number of graduates is smaller than the number of international students' new enrolments: both freshmen and students who enrol for the subsequent year of their studies.

A total of 15 percent of the student population is currently international, which is approximately one in seven students. Utrecht University greatly values this international composition of the student population.

Cherish international character

Utrecht University cherishes its international character. So all students and staff members are welcome; their presence is essential to an inspiring academic climate. In an educational setting, the mix of international students provides an indispensable enrichment. After all, an ‘international classroom’ is a good preparation for the further careers after graduation.

“As a university, by definition, we operate in an international environment”, says Rector Magnificus Henk Kummeling. “Our international character contributes to a stimulating academic and intellectual climate. It also fits the open attitude we want to propagate as a university. We think it's important that our international community feels welcome here, too.”

As a university, by definition, we operate in an international environment.

In the upcoming years, Utrecht University expects another slight increase in the number of enrolments. This is because of the larger intake cohorts from previous years who reapply every year to continue their programme. After that, the expectation is that the number of enrolments stabilises.

*The numbers in this news item are preliminary numbers: this is because until 1 December, mutations can still be made. The definitive numbers will become available in the first quarter of 2024 via UNL.