New field station for Copernicus Institute at Kempenbroek
The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University has recently been given access to a field station on the Dutch-Belgian border. The station has been provided by Natuurmonumenten and is located 6 km from Weert in the Kempenbroek nature area.
Ongoing nature conservation and restoration projects
There are several ongoing nature conservation and restoration projects addressing a range of environmental issues and in different stages of realization. Research will analyse the regional ecohydrological setting, assess the current conditions, monitor development after measures have been implemented and then evaluate measure effectiveness.
Station to provide many teaching opportunities
The Kempenbroek area will offer ample learning and research opportunities for both bachelor and master students. Master students can work in the area during the course Research in Environmental Change and Ecosystems, as well as for master thesis projects. Last year two master students carried out research on breeding birds and heavy metal pollution and effect of beaver dams. This year 90 students went to study the hydrology of the Wijffelterbroek forest as part of the BSc Global Sustainability Science course Ecohydrology.
Station also available for writing retreats
The station is also available for intensive writing retreats for groups of up to six persons, for instance PhD researchers concentrating on writing papers. It is found in a silent area in the middle of nature with wifi and well equipped kitchen facilities.