Maximum number of free OA articles at two publishers nearly reached
Dutch universities, university medical centres and KNAW institutes have agreements with certain publishers that a certain number of open access articles can be published free of charge. There is a maximum number of articles that can be published in this way.
This national maximum will soon be reached for two publishers. It applies to Lippincott William&Wilkins (expected mid-September) and Springer/Nature (expected third week of October).
What are the consequences?
If your manuscript is accepted for publication after the cap has been reached, the publishers will still offer the possibility to publish it open access, but the costs are no longer covered by the consortium agreement. If you opt for open access for a fee, you will receive the invoice yourself.
What can you do?
Do you want to share your article open access in a journal published by these publishers and do you expect the acceptance of your manuscript around the time of the expected cap deadlines? Then we advise you to look for other financing options. You can also use the green open access route via Taverne, where the article will be available in the UU repository 6 months after publication.
You can also choose a journal from another publisher.
Do you want to stay updated on when the cap will be reached? Sign up for the ‘notify-me service’. This service can also be used to receive updates from other publishers with a maximum amount of open access publications
Please contact the library if you have any questions.