Keep developing yourself as a teacher
As a teacher, you can take advantage of all kinds of development offers in the field of teaching, organised by the Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning (CAT). From courses to programmes and workshops to webinars.
Soon, for example, you can join a workshop on how to teach students some simple strategies for how to evaluate and integrate scholarly work in different disciplines, which will be hosted by Rick Szostak, from the University of Alberta, Canada.
And do you have an innovative idea for your teaching practice, but don’t know where to start? Then please join the workshop on how to realise your idea, where you will learn what resources are available and where you will receive help on finding the best approach for your idea.
In addition, you can soon follow a workshop on the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning, which will be hosted by Irena Knezevic, from the Carleton University, Canada.
The button below leads to the overview page of the complete offer. Take a look which sessions are interesting for you, and register now.