Interdisciplinary cooperation of UYA members on climate change #1punt5

To communicate the manifold consequences of climate change, the Utrecht Young Academy has produced the video series “1punt5”, in collaboration with the Faculty of Science communication office. In these short clips of 1.5 minutes, several faculty members reflect on the necessary public understanding of global warming and its consequences from the viewpoint of their disciplines.

Climate change is one of the core projects of The Utrecht Young Academy. In September 2019, the Utrecht Young Academy officially declared the Climate Crisis and stated that the concerns of climate strikers were justified. We believe the measures to combat and adapt to climate change are far from adequate, and as scientists and scholars, besides providing knowledge, we have a moral obligation to inform and warn society about the state of the planet.  

Many members are involved in projects or activities related to climate change. UYA members Rianka Rijnhout (Law) and Peter Bijl (Geoscience) recently joined forces in two pop-up lectures on the Urgenda judgment. During the Pathways to Sustainability Conference, the Utrecht Young Academy appealed to the Utrecht University leadership to to step up sustainability ambitions and sign a pledge. The President of the Executive Board, Anton Pijpers, stated the board supports the pledge and will adopt the pledge and concomitant actions.