I-Analyzer – newly added corpora
I-Analyzer, the online text and data mining application of the Digital Humanities Lab, has been expanded in recent months with a number of interesting corpora. Accessibility has also been greatly improved: users can now log in with their Solis-ID, or create their own account.
With I-Analyzer, users can search full text, create visualizations and export subsets for further research in the following sources:
- Dutch newspapers collection, KB National Library of the Netherlands ECCO (Eighteenth Century Collections Online)
- The Times, newspaper archive 1785-2010
- The Guardian-Observer, archive 1791-2003
- Periodicals, archive 19th century
- Kings/Queens Speeches, 1814-2018
- Jewish Funerary Inscriptions
It is possible to add a document collection of your choice in I-Analyzer. If you are interested, please contact the Digital Humanites Lab.