Human-centered AI second call for proposals now open

The focus area Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) bundles the various AI-activities undertaken at Utrecht University. AI in Utrecht has a unique profile that cuts across many different departments and research groups. By bridging research in computer science, philosophy, linguistics, psychology and other disciplines the focus area’s aim is to foster strong and societally relevant interdisciplinary research in AI.

The HAI focus area started in January 2020, and currently comprises five Special Interest Groups (SIGs, see website). This is the second call for small research proposals to be funded by HAI. The small projects resulting from this call will be accommodated by the existing SIGs.

Objectives of the call:

To support collaborative interdisciplinary research in the field of artificial intelligence, the HAI focus area provides small grants for a variety of interdepartmental projects. Researchers from Utrecht University are called upon to submit project proposals with a focus on research on Artificial Intelligence.

The scheme is intended to support a variety of project types:

  1. Small research projects,
  2. organizing a seminar or workshop,
  3. seed money for writing project proposals, and
  4. inviting high quality AI-researchers to Utrecht.
  5. Other types of projects, provided they are well-motivated by the applicants.

Who can apply?

All proposals should involve at least two researchers from at least two different departments or research centers of Utrecht University. At least one of the researchers should have a permanent position.

Completing and submission of the form:

Please do not amend the structure of the form below. Applications should be set out clearly and submitted as a PDF file to

What to apply for:

Applications should be directed to one or more of the SIGs (see website). Each application can request funding up to €4000,-.


Applications will be evaluated by the SIG coordinators according to the following criteria:

  • Interdisciplinary character of the project.
  • The involvement of various UU departments.
  • Matching by a faculty, department or other organization is encouraged.
  • The type of the project (e.g., organizing seminar, seed money, inviting research collaborators, small research project).

Submission deadline: Friday 4 September 2020.