How can the Strategic Themes encourage fundamental and blue sky research?

On November 19, the Utrecht Young Academy organised a General Assembly to exchange views on the Strategic Themes at Utrecht University together with a number of the programme directors of these Strategic Themes. We discussed both positive experiences and concerns amongst members, as well as how the Strategic Themes can support fundamental and blue sky research more and be inclusive for early career academics. 

Within the Utrecht Young Academy, there is no clear consensus on the Strategic Themes. “If the question is to keep a structure with Strategic Themes versus a structure with faculties, I’d choose Strategic Themes still”, one of the members of the Utrecht Young Academy mentioned, while another member stated “I appreciate the idea of collecting expertise in the form of Strategic Themes, but I fear that people who do not fit within will be excluded and that themes are not very inclusive”.

During the meeting, we considered how the Strategic Themes can create more space for fundamental and blue sky research. In that vein, we considered how the themes can be more inclusive, especially for early career academics. Early academics can bring a valuable fresh perspective with regards to uniting fundamental/blue sky research and applied research. We will continue the conversation on this topic in the coming months.

If the question is to keep a structure with Strategic Themes versus a structure with faculties, I’d choose Strategic Themes still.

Take a look at the presentation of the meeting for more information. If you would like to share your experiences working with the Strategic Themes, especially as an early career academic, please contact us via We will use this valuable input for future discussions.