Expertise Center for Veterinary Genetics Advises European Commission

Twee lachende dierenartsen houden vier puppies vast op een operatietafel.

The Expertise Center for Veterinary Genetics of Utrecht University has won a tender to conduct research for the European Commission. The study focuses on hereditary diseases and conditions in companion animals, aiming to reduce their impact on animal welfare.

The research, titled Study on the Genetics of Dog and Cat Breeding and Digital Solutions for their Traceability, addresses veterinary clinical-genetic issues, such as determining necessary screening tests for hereditary diseases and identifying relevant DNA tests. Additionally, it examines legislation and the compatibility of IT systems among EU member states. The European Commission has also requested an inventory of best practices across member states. The Expertise Center for Veterinary Genetics and its collaborative partners secured the tender with an excellent quality score of 94 out of 100 points for their project proposal.

International Impact 

The research, scheduled for 2025, offers a unique opportunity to share the knowledge developed by the Expertise Center for Veterinary Genetics over the years on an international level. Their best practices, such as criteria for breeding healthy short-nosed dogs, PetScan as a practical tool for diagnostic registration and education for veterinarians, and breeding guidance software for breeders (Fit2Breed), will now reach the European Commission and other EU member states