Beatrice de Graaf wins Arenberg Prize for European History

Prof. dr. Beatrice de Graaf. Foto: David van Dam

Beatrice de Graaf has won the Arenberg Prize for European History for her book ‘Fighting Terror after Napoleon. How Europe Became Secure after 1815’ (Cambridge University Press, 2020). According to the jury of this literary prize, which was comprised of international scholars of history, ‘Fighting Terror after Napoleon’ is the best contribution to a better and innovative knowledge of the history of Europe.

New light on European history

“If you have worked on a book for years, a book prize is a tremendous recognition”, De Graaf comments. “I certainly consider this international prize, with its many illustrious predecessors, to be a great boost – not only for my book, but also for our research in Utrecht as a whole, the entire ERC team and the Security History Network that has grown out of it.”

Michael Watson, editor of the book at Cambridge University Press, also responded enthusiastically: “Cambridge University Press is delighted that ‘Fighting Terror after Napoleon’ has received such a prestigious award and well-deserved recognition for its significant contribution to the history of European integration and European security.”

Arenberg Prize for European History

The Duke d’Arenberg History Prizes are literary prizes awarded every two years since 1992 by the Arenberg Foundation, to reward excellence and innovation in exploring Europe’s history, culture, and thought. Works that are original in their approach, have a wide scope, are both readable and scholarly, as well as are accessible to a wide public, are eligible for submission.

The presentation of the prizes will take place at Palais des Académies in Brussels. De Graaf has been invited to present the main ideas from her book. The data is to be determined.

Previous laureates include Sir Christopher Clark.