Apply for Summer School, combined with European Environmental Law Forum before 31 July
This years Summer School on Comparative Law in Como. is connected with the Annual Conference of the European Environmental Law Forum on “Environmental loss & damage: attribution, liability, compensation and restoration”.
It is the 15th edition of this Summer School, organised by the University of Insubria, Como, together with the Universities of Aix-Marseille, Utrecht and Opole.
It is held from September 10th to September 14th at the Saint Abbondio’s Cloister, University of Insubria, Como.
This intensive, one-week program provides a unique opportunity law students and legal professionals to study environmental law by examining and comparing different environmental law policies and regulatory regimes.
This year the program is exceptionally attractive, as it will be connected with the Annual Conference of the European Environmental Law Forum on “Environmental loss & damage: attribution, liability, compensation and restoration”. Therefore the Summer School program will provide a general introduction to the topics of the Conference in order to enable the Summer School participants to profitably attend the Conference.
- Classes are taught in English.
- FEES : 300 Euro
- Fees include the participation to the EELF conference and conference meals
A limited number of scholarships covering tuition fees will be available upon participants’ request and subject to cv evaluation.
Application deadline: July 31, 2018
In order to get enrolled, please send an email at the following address: