Anna Gerbrandy appointed as Crown Member of the Social and Economic Council

Anna Gerbrandy is professor of Competition Law at Utrecht University

Prof. dr. Anna Gerbrandy. Foto: Christiaan Krouwels
Prof. mr. dr. Anna Gerbrandy

The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of  Dr. Anna Gerbrandy Professor in Competition Law and Director of Research at the Utrecht University School of Law, as Deputy Crown Member of the Dutch Social and Economic Council (Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER) The appointment was on the proposal of Minister Wouter Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment and applies for the remainder of the current term of office until 1 April 2022.

Digitalisation, market forces and the energy transition

Professor Gerbandy was appointed because of her expertise in various socio-economic fields. She was already a member of the SER working group on sustainability and competition and hopes that with this honorable appointment she will be able to contribute to important themes concerning the structure of Dutch society, such as market forces, digitilisation, globalisation and Europe and the energy transition.
The university and the faculty see great value in the importance of linking science and the SER. 

About the SER

The SER is the most important advisory council for the Dutch government and parliament on socio-economic issues. In the SER entrepreneurs, employees and independent crown members work together. Two-thirds of the Board consists of members of employers' and employees' organisations and one-third of members appointed by the Crown. On the basis of their expertise, Crown members act as bridge builders between employer and employee members.

In the past, Prof. Hans Schenk of the Utrecht University School of Economics was also a deputy Crown member of the SER.