8 ADS research grants awarded in June 2024

The focus area Applied Data Science has funding to financially support small research projects within the Special Interest Groups. The aim is to foster the application of data science techniques in research areas where they are not yet applied and to accelerate the development of data science techniques by working in an interdisciplinary way. 8 projects have been awarded a grant of up to EUR 7500 via the ADS grant calls in June 2024:

  • Prediction of Vertebral Collapse using Artificial Intelligence in Multiple Myeloma patients (SIG Imaging)
  • Bringing problems and solutions together: applying AI methods to understand the healthy living process (SIG Clinical Data Applications)
  • Optimising trauma treatment: Predicting treatment effects by content and prosody analyses of imagery rescripting sessions (SIG Clinical Data Applications)
  • I’M YOUR TYPE: usIng heMocYtometry data for identificatiOn of neUtRophil immunophenoTYPEs (SIG Clinical Data Applications)
  • Enhancing Synthetic Data Generation for Distributed Healthcare Research: A discussion on the utility of metadata information (Clinical Data Applications)
  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Stance Detection and Analysis of Political Polarization in Social Media (SIG NLP@UU+UMCU)
  • Playing for Cognition: working toward better statistical models predicting cognitive outcome in participation using machine learning (SIG Machine Learning)
  • Efficient and reliable cell tracking in complex 3D microscopy datasets using AI enhanced image restoration (SIG Imaging)