17th Open and User Innovation Conference to be held at Utrecht University
From July 8 to July 10 2019, the 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference will be held at Utrecht University. The conference is supported by Institutions for Open Societies and will be organised by researchers from the Utrecht University School of Economics and from the Innovation Studies Group in the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development.
Every year the International Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI) brings together about 200 researchers from around the world and various disciplines (such as innovation management, strategic management, organization design, marketing, intellectual property right management, entrepreneurship, and public policy) in order to exchange recent research findings and plans related to new developments in open and user innovation.
State-of-the-art research findings will be discussed on topics like: Open and User Innovation Platforms, Community Governance, and Organization Design; Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding; Healthcare, Sustainability, and Societal Challenges; Institutions, Innovation Law, and Policy; User and Social Entrepreneurship; Open Software, Open Hardware, and Makers; Firms' Interactions with Open and User Innovation; Lead users, Toolkits, and User Identification; Psychology of Innovation and Problem-solving; Diffusion of Open and User Innovation.
The call for abstracts is open until April 1st, 2019. Details regarding the call for abstracts, the current list of inspiring keynote speakers and the upcoming programme can be found on the OUI website.