17th-century long-term correspondence in Latin
On the website Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO), containing early modern correspondences, a new catalogue has been published.
It is a catalogue of the correspondence between Elisabeth Hoofman-Koolaart (1644-1736) and Theodorus Janssonius van Almeloveen (1657-1712). Elisabeth Hoofman was renowned for her poems written in Latin, Theodorus van Almeloveen was a physician, and professor of Greek, History and Eloquence at the University of Harderwijk (closed in 1811). This remarkable exchange of letters may well be one of the most lengthy correspondences between a man and a woman in Latin.
Aron Ouwerkerk, who compiled the catalogue, has made grateful use of the Van Almeloveen collection (in Dutch only), part of Special Collections, to write his award-winning Master's thesis.
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