Study programme

Urban and Economic Geography is a one-year Master’s programme taught in English that includes both courses and research, awarding a total of 60 point in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). On this page you will find information concerning the curriculum, specialisations, courses, educational methods, examinations and extracurricular opportunities.


Please note: There may be minor changes to the programme.

All students start with a introduction course Urban Futures, which focuses on socio-spatial and economic developments in urban areas. This course includes lectures, working groups, urban walks and bike tours. Later on, you will build on this course by doing an international fieldtrip.

In the first block, you will take the course Advanced Urban Geography or Advanced Economic Geography as the academic and more theoretical basis of your Master’s programme. In the second block, you will take three courses of 5 ECTS. Two courses reflect your specialisation. Your third course can also connect to your specialization, or be an elective that combines disciplines. You can also take a course from the other specialisation as an elective.

Two specialisations

The Urban or Economic Geography programme offers two specialisations: urban geography and economic geography. There are also courses common to both specialisations, such as the starting course Urban Futures.


Below you can find an overview of the courses per specialisation.
Please note: There may be minor changes to the programme.

Compare and/or combine specialisations

Did you know that it is possible to create a customised curriculum based on courses from both specialisations? Use the overview below to compare both specialisations and to see what a mixed programme would look like.

Thesis, internship and research methods

Your choice of graduation subject and the accompanying research internship provide the best way for you to present yourself to future employers. Read more about all thesis opportunities below.

Educational Methods

  • Lectures, tutorials, seminars and computer practicals
  • Guestlectures (e.g. alumni or professionals in the field)
  • Site visits
  • Practical assignments in cooperation with the professional field
  • Peer feedback meetings and student group meetings
  • International fieldtrip
  • Master's thesis project
  • Internship (integrated with Master’s thesis project)


  • Written exams
  • Oral presentations
  • Papers and essays
  • Master's thesis proposal and report

Difference with the two-year research Master’s

The Faculty of Geosciences also offers a two-year research Master’s programme in Global Urban Transformations. Students in the two-year Master’s programme are generally interested in a PhD programme in the Netherlands or abroad.

Extra opportunities

Utrecht University offers several honours programmes for students looking for an extra challenge. Honours education is followed on top of your regular Master’s programme and goes beyond the regular curriculum. Honours programmes are available at interdisciplinary level and allow you to go deeper into subjects or work on projects that transcend your own discipline.

Read more about the honours programmes