Read what current and former students say about their study choice and experiences with the programme.
Martin Rønning, student

"This programme naturally allows you to explore a lot of different fields."
What makes this programme unique in your eyes?
The “media” aspect of the programme is really fascinating. Several courses allow you to use Augmented or Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technology, and besides the technology behind computer graphics, there is an overarching focus on applying linear algebra and geometry in really cool ways. I’m sure other computer science programmes focus on similar subjects, but in Utrecht they have been doing it for decades. The research group focusing on Computational Geometry to me seems interesting more towards the theoretical side, but it’s also cool that there’s the Interaction group that’s way more applied. This programme naturally allows you to explore a lot of different fields.
Are there any misconceptions about this programme, can you name them?
Probably that it is intended exclusively for those interested in game development or similar work. The truth is that the programme is a more applied branch of computer and you learn technologies relevant specifically focused on visual and spatial technology. This of course implies that it indeed is a very good programme if you want to be a game developer, but it is also in my view one of the best programmes to pursue in order to work with computer vision, 3D modelling or anything using AR/VR technology. Also, I think it is very suitable for pursuing a PhD because of the maths and technologies you learn here.
And thinking ahead… to PhD or not to PhD? What would you say?
At this point, it’s very 50/50. I applied for my Master's programme because I was sure I wanted to do a PhD, but I have since been considering certain fields to work within and even making a start-up. Depending on my thesis project, I might look for similar PhD roles if it’s really successful.
Anything else you would like to share with prospective students?
Don’t look for titles of Master's programmes, look for the courses. I was looking into practically every other Master's programme within Information Sciences aside from this one! I was thinking that this was primarily for aspiring game developers, and although I also like that aspect, it wasn’t my primary motivation. Then, after thoroughly researching what courses were available, what sort of theses the graduates wrote and comparing the different programmes, Game and Media Technology excited me the most.
Carolina Aranda Bassegoda, student

"Assignments are engaging as they allow for creativity and often resonate with student’s passions."
What makes this programme unique in your eyes?
It allows you to delve deeply into different topics from the game and media industry. While you can learn some of these topics in many Computer Science Master’s, here you can find a wide selection of courses specifically focused on the technologies and background that are used in the media and game industries while showing you that there is more to these industries than you might have thought.
Are there any misconceptions about this programme, can you name them?
Some people might think that this programme is just about making videogames, however there are a lot of other career opportunities that this Master’s can open for you. Even if you are making a game for a class, the focus of the course is on teaching you how to carry out research.
If you had to tell something about the programme you know now, but what you didn’t know before you started, what would you tell?
This programme allows you to choose most of your courses, but this also means that, if you really want to take a specific course, you must be on top of things when it comes to enrolling because some courses fill up fast.
What is your favourite subject of this programme? Could be a course, a project, an assignment, the thing you like most?
I’m looking forward to Computer Animation the most because it will culminate in the production of a short which displays everything learnt during the course. This project allows for lots of creativity and results in something fun that you can show around.
Anything else you would like to share with prospective students?
So far, I like that the course lecturers know who they are catering to. Assignments are engaging as they allow for creativity and often resonate with student’s passions. Courses are introduced to students in a fun and engaging way, but most importantly, lecturers are welcoming and available.