Career prospects

During the Master’s programme, you will be challenged to determine which career perspective best fits your talents and interests. We will guide and support you to focus your programme on obtaining all the skills required for a certain career path.

Academic Careers 

Students interested in research, can apply for a PhD position after graduation. Such positions are regularly available within the Department of Experimental Psychology and the Intelligent Systems group at Utrecht University. There are ample contacts with other universities as well, partly through the Dutch research school SIKS (Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems). Some positions are sponsored by companies or the Dutch research council. Graduates may also find challenging positions in R&D departments of international companies, governments, and the banking and insurance sectors.

Non- Academic Careers 

Graduates interested in a career in industry are well qualified for jobs in many different areas, such as banking, insurance, consultancy, government policy, telecommunications, consumer electronics, Agent oriented software companies, etc.
Their tasks may consist of developing new products and applications or directing such activities. Graduates can also choose the exciting path of creating a start-up company in an emerging market.

Check out AI job openings in the Netherlands and abroad

Career Services

UU Career Services offers training related to career orientation and job application skills; examples include writing an application letter and CV and conducting a job interview. You can find more information about career services on UU Career Services for Dutch students or UU Career Services for international students.

Careers Day

Once a year Utrecht University organises a Careers Day. The Careers Day offers the opportunity to sign up for workshops and trainings, and to meet recruiters at the careers fair. It’s also possible to join a job application training or have your resume checked.

Women in Information and Computing Sciences (WICS)

WICS aims at connecting all employees and students who identify as female working in Information and Computing Sciences. By establishing a network between junior and senior female members of the department, initiating activities to increase the number of female students in Information and Computing Sciences, raising awareness on issues faced by women, and increasing the opportunities WICS is working towards this goal. You’re welcome to join WICS, contribute ideas and actively participate.

Learn more about WICS.